About Brain Fresh.

What is Brain Fresh?

Brain Fresh is dedicated to helping professional leaders medicine tap into their internal powers. We help them succeed more quickly through new knowledge and skills rooted in proven brain science. We have built neuroscience-based time management tools perfect for supporting busy professionals to reach their own unique peace of mind.

Brain Fresh Offerings include:

  • Online courses

  • Keynote speaking

  • Personal and group coaching

  • Team workshops

  • Webinars

  • Podcasts

Go to our Resources page for more details on my offerings.

Go to our Contact Us page to connect with Dr. Mary today.

Who is Dr. Mary?

Mary Rensel, MD, FAAN, ABIHM Founder of Brain Fresh

I believe that professional leaders should not have to apologize for anything when it comes to setting their own priorities. We do not have to do “everything” in a system that values “busy-ness”. It’s time to learn how to manipulate our neuroscience and start demanding more from our time management systems. We all want achievable peace of mind today.

I’m here to share a brain-based productivity system that provides a clear plan to help you start achieving the life you want today. As a Neuroimmunologist boarded in Neurology and Integrative Medicine, I know the brain, what it needs, and how it works. I will be on this journey with you to give you focus, energy, and creativity. Brain Fresh will give you the skills to stop wasting time and give you peace of mind today.


Why Lily Pads?

After spending my career of over twenty years studying and caring for the brain, I see it everywhere I look. While kayaking, I noticed how similar the lily pads surrounding me resembled all the brains I look at daily on MRIs. The beautiful lily pads floating by reminded me of all the different beautiful brains of my coaching clients. They naturally have a beautiful yellow heart in the center which perfectly summarizes my feelings of the brain. It is a beautiful organ that needs care, attention and a long term optimization plan. As a coach we see the spectrum of clients, some willing to change and others are more hesitant. I am honored to be a part of the lives of my clients and are amazed at the variety of dreams and desires. The lily pads are all unique, like our clients, I have used the lily pad as a logo for my business to highlight the intersection between the natural beauty of the brain and the goals of my clients.